Sunday, October 24, 2010

More from the Trip

Sorry I haven't posted any pics in a while since my last update. I've been busy with work and other things; not to mention still going through all the pictures from the trip. So now after a little over a week of no new are a few more for you to enjoy!

This is from the river that runs along the main road winding through the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. This was just one of those shots where we were in the right place at the right time.

Beautiful cascades on the side of Soco Falls. Print Request Title: "Soco Falls Cascade"

Off the road leading up to Clingmans Dome there was a trail leading off into the woods. This was shot somewhere along that trail. Print Request Title: "Through the Woods"

These next two images were taken at the base of Mingo Falls.

The very bottom of Mingo Falls may not be that powerful but the way the water flows over the rocks and fallen branches is one of the most beautiful things at the falls. Print Request Title: "Mingo Falls"

A smaller group of rapids at the base of Mingo Falls. Print Request Title: "Mingo Channel"

If you would like a signed print of any of these images please email me about sizes and pricing at:

Freelance Photographer

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